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Rent Assistance


Rent Assist

Rent Assist (formally Manitoba Shelter Benefit or RentAid) is a monthly benefit to help low income families and individuals, as well as people receiving income assistance (EIA).

If you are not on Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) and pay more than 30% of your income on private rental housing, then you may be eligible for Rent Assist. The amount of the benefit depends on household income and the monthly cost of renting.  Check eligibility with this on-line estimator.  Download the application form here. Winnipeg Office 100-114 Garry Street.  Phone 204-948-7368 in Winnipeg;     1-877-587-6224 toll free. Email.

Rent Assist for individuals and families on EIA will be assessed when you apply.  Rent Assist replaces RentAid but you will not have to reapply. You will automatically get Rent Assist, as long as you keep meeting the requirements. Phone for EIA Rent Assist in Winnipeg: 204-948-4000. Toll free: 1-877-812-0014. Email.


School Tax Assistance for Tenants 55+

Rebates available for income-tested tenants over the age of 55 to offset the school tax portion of rent costs. If you are at least 55 years of age and have a household income of less than $23,800, then you are eligible for annual rebates of up to $175, payable once a year.


Subsidized Housing

Manitoba Housing Authority (Public Housing). The Manitoba Housing Authority provides a range of quality housing such as apartments, townhouses, duplexes and houses. Rental rates are based on a rent-geared-to-income ratio of 30 per cent of the household income. Click here for an application form.

Winnipeg Housing and Rehabilitation Corporation (WHRC). WHRC provides affordable, clean, and safe rental housing in the inner-city and North end as well as market rent units in various areas of the City of Winnipeg. The majority of the units are available to people requiring rents geared to income (RGI). Applicants approved for RGI would pay 30 per cent of their annual gross household income. Call to inquire on their waiting list. Click here to download an application form.

Non-Profits and Cooperatives. Many co-operatives and non-profit housing providers offer rent-geared-to-income units or rent supplements. Ask the housing provider directly if subsidies are offered. The Winnipeg Rental Network will be working to list all of the subsidized housing providers.

Aboriginal Housing. Much of the housing stock managed by aboriginal and metis housing providers are on a Rent-Geared-to-Income basis.