Youth / Students
Student Housing
Youth Shelters
Student Bursary Program from Manitoba Housing. BUILDINGFoundations Bursary Program provides $1,000 bursaries to post-secondary students living in subsidized rental housing in Manitoba or receiving a rental subsidy funded by Manitoba Housing.
To be eligible, you must be living in subsidized rental housing or receive a rental subsidy funded by Manitoba Housing. Check for the application on-line.
AFM Community Based Youth Services. Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM) has
youth-based programs that are designed to help people look at their alcohol/drug/gambling involvement to see if it is affecting their life in a negative way. AFM also provides counselling and support to young people who are concerned about someone else’s alcohol/drug/gambling involvement. Located at
200 Osborne Street North. Phone (204)
Macdonald Youth Services (MYS). MYS is structured into six service areas that provide both placement (i.e. residential programming) and community support services. Placement Service programs include: Alternative Parent Home (APH); Adolescent Resources in Community Homes (ARCH); Kisewatisiwin; and Specialized Individual Placement Services (SIP). Support Service programs include: Services To Older Adolescents (STOA) and the Youth Emergency Crisis Stabilization System (YECSS). Located at 175 Mayfair Avenue. Phone: (204) 477-1722. Email.
Ndinawe. The Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Safe Home program is a response to the well-documented need for a culturally appropriate resource for the growing numbers of Winnipeg’s Aboriginal children and youth living on the streets. Ndinawe’s newest facility offers supportive independent living opportunities for youth between the ages of 16 and 17 where they will develop necessary life skills and capacities to transition to independent living in the community. All suites in the building are self contained, individual apartments with common areas, an on-site caretaking couple and 24 hour staffing. Contact information: Youth Resource Centre – 472 Selkirk Ave. Phone: (204) 589-5545.
Pan Am Place will accomodate those youth determined to be most in need with consideration of the following factors: Ages 18-25, Male residents only, Appropriate number of residents per floor. Pan Am will require all residents of the housing facility to participate in all aspects of Pan Am Place, contributing to a healthy lifestyle, community involvement, and outstanding citizenship that embodies the positive spirit of Pan Am. Located at 88 Arthur Street. Phone: (204) 515-2048 ext 10. Email
Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) has a devoted housing department. RaY will assist youth in accessing suitable housing and related resources. RaY’s mandate is to meet youth needs concerning emergency shelter, housing and independent living through the provision of information and options. RaY advocate on behalf of youth on all issues related to landlord/tenant disputes, adequate shelter, rent and utilizes. They offer assistance in obtaining house wares and furnishings and offer counseling on tenant rights and responsibilities. Located at
125 Sherbrook Street. Phone: (204) 783.5617. Email.
Student Housing
Red River College has dorms and meal plans. Red River offer four-, eight- or twelve-month contracts to match the academic schedule.
University of Manitoba’s guide to off-campus and on-campus housing. For on-campus residence please call Toll Free 1-800-859-8737, local (204) 474-9922, or Email. Off-campus rental listings can also be found at the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) Housing Website. The most affordable listings are found under Rooms for Rent/Bachelor Suite. The office will help with rent, sublet, carpool, and buy/sell furniture. Located at 108A University Centre. Phone (204) 474-9717 or toll-free for Manitoba residents 1-800-432-1960 (extension 9717). Email
University of Winnipeg‘s Office of Housing and Student Life has a number of links, including info on Student Residences, the UofW Summer Hostel, housing for international students and other off-campus options. Located at 515 Portage Avenue. Phone: (204) 786-9900. Email. U of W’s Downtown Commons, a new student family residence, is now taking applications.
Youth Shelters
MacDonald Youth Services (MYS). MYS’s Youth Resource Centre / Shelter offers short-term emergency shelter and basic needs walk-in resource services to youth. It is located at 161 Mayfair Ave in Winnipeg and has been operating since 1992. The Youth Resource Centre / Shelter offers short-term, overnight, emergency shelter to 8 youth ages 12 to 17 years of age per night. Beds are assigned on a first come first serve basis every night. 161 Mayfair Avenue. Phone: (204) 477-1804 .
Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc. The Ndinawe Safe Home is a 16 bed facility that provides accessible twenty-four hour shelter and basic necessities for youth 11-17 years of age who may have no safe place to go, or are living on the streets and are at risk of abuse and exploitation. Phone: (204) 586-2588 .